Hitting the 6 major hot spots inside your without wrecking the interior of your car!

Hitting the 6 major hot spots inside your without wrecking the interior of your car! 

6 hot spots.png

Please always wear gloves and eye protection, chemicals should never touch your skin, even soaps and waxes can irritate and be absorbed.

🧼Clean first with your favorite non specific cleaner on materials like plastic, leather, and vinyl which are NON Porous.🧼

DO NOT directly spray any cleaners directly on radio screens, gauge clusters, electrical, buttons, or any electrical components. Spray on towel and wipe the area.

For POROUS materials spray directly onto material and gently use scrub pad and blot with a micro fiber towel!

Here is a recommendation of products that we use in shop to sanitize, clean, polish and protect our customers and special cars.  

For general cleaning and disinfecting we use Odoban concentrate, diluted using their instructions for disinfection. 


Continue by moving onto sanitizing and disinfecting. Read and follow the directions on the back of your product of choice. Before going crazy wiping things down, test an area (under/back side of steering wheel) to make sure it doesn't discolor the material before moving on. For general cleaning after disinfection use Simple Green diluted per instructions, although you can vary concentration for level of soil. Use a soft bristle brush and some light agitation, then wipe clean. 


For fabrics you should only blot and use light agitation, and make sure you absorb all reimagining soaps or cleaning products. Meguiars makes some great fabric, leather and vinyl cleaners. 


Do NOT over saturate headliner. (optional-take a small shampoo machine to help get the rest of the cleanser out and will decrease dry time) 

Meg's Natural Shine

After cleaning it is very important to use a moisturizer to protect and rejuvenate any leather, Bakelite, plastics, vinyls, etc.  Meguairs natural shine and the leather care products are great for this. 


Using polish or chrome polish on your metal and chrome on a regular basis will thin and essentially remove coatings and shine, and leave the surface raw and exposed. We recommend that you use a cleaner wax or pure Carnuba wax. A light coat of wax and then buff lightly when it hazes. Again we use the Meguairs wax. 

We clean the glass with Sprayway glass cleaner, less is more, buff the windows dry.

Sprayway Glass Cleaner